Friday 3 December 2010

30days of truth-Day 15

Half-way mark 15 down and 15 to go.

Something or someone you couldn't live without, because you’ve tried living without it.

I could live without any possession if I had to.To say that we can not live without an object is ludicrous, we miss things sure, but can learn to not have that possession with us e.g  if I no longer had access to the Internet I would initially miss it, but overtime I would become accustomed to not having that.

I have thought in the past that there were certain people I could not live without, but then when I did have to live without them I found that I could.

Some of these questions are tough and I am having more and more difficulty in answering honestly without revealing things I really don't want to share publicly. I will continue on to the end of the challenge.

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