Sunday 23 January 2011

The Name Game

Now we have the ability to change our SL names, have I changed mine? I did drop the Romano for a week I thought I could be one of those cool one name girls but it didn't feel right to me.

I no longer know who from my friends list is logging in and out. I see blahblah is online who??? has someone sneaked onto my friends list? I have to look on the profile of blahblah to see who it actually is.

It's pretty cute to see paired up avis take the same last name and I can hazard a guess who that person is when they log in

Some people are changing their names to something totally random .Maybe I should try something more random, DeathbyChocolate Candylips maybe ?? -has a certain ring to it no?

Do we need change of name cards in SL- like we have change of address cards in RL.

Sorry for the gap in posts here I promise I will try to post more regularly.

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