Recently there seems to have been a mass exodus and pseudo exits from my friends and acquaintances in SL. Profiles have displayed elaborate goodbye speeches, proclaiming all manner of reasons for the big Goodbye. Some are really gone, some are gone for a wee while and others are back in world within a day/week never again to comment on their failed departure (and yet others probably back with a new persona)
Which begs the question-Is it easy to say a real goodbye to SL?
Deleting all software associated with connecting to the grid would physically stop us from connecting, but there is no software to disconnected our brains from the virtual world and as far as I know will power is still not available to buy in the supermarket.
So I continue to ponder and speculate if and when I go- which form my departure from SL will take.
Maybe this post should have been named Should I stay or I should I go?
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