Last night I logged in and as always I wanted to change clothes, to my complete HORROR my inventory was reading 11000-I blinked and looked again 11000k huh??
Where were my boots? Where was my beloved skin folder? this couldn't be happening to me.
I went straight to Google and typed in Where the £$!%^& has my inventory gone? (yes I am an expert Boolean string search type person) Google search brought up results such as:
- Good grief woman, they are not real boots
- Get a life you sad cow
- I saw a Linden selling your shoes on QVC
After spontaneously combusting and throwing myself around the room for several minutes I found a result about clearing your cache What!?!?! hadn't I lost enough cash without clearing more (note from Editor-Cache and Cash are not the same word you moron)
Sobbing uncontrollably I peeped back at Second Life, and followed the instructions to the letter, OK I was comfort eating a Magnum but apart from that it was to the LETTER!..I tell you.
I chewed my nails down to my knuckles waiting for my inventory to reload-the tension was too much and I collapsed face down onto my Magnum, a friendly psychiatric doctor was just passing by (how lucky was that?) and he recounted to me later I was twitching and calling out No! No!, Maitreya, Bax, Lelutka..don't leave me, I will be a good girl, no more bitching about lag or rezzing naked with a daffodil up my..well you get the picture.
After a quick wipe round my face with a tear sodden Magnum wrapper, I closed one eye and squinted with the other at my now loaded inventory anddddd Thank You Our Lady of Prim Toes it was all there, all my babies returned to me, and the glorious number of items??? nope I wont tell you that, never ask a lady her weight, age or inventory size.
OMG sis I love it! your so fab giggles