Drum Roll...may I present finally and extremely overdue day 30.
This has been a very fulfilling experience for a couple of reasons.
It has given me an opportunity to share my thoughts and feelings with other people and also occupied my mind and distracted me from negative things that have been happening in RL and to a lesser degree SL.
Day 30-Write a letter to yourself, tell yourself EVERYTHING you love about yourself
Dear Asia
This is a difficult letter to write but I want you to know how I feel.
I love that you are an intelligent and articulate woman with an active and enquiring mind.
I love your kindness to others you are a compassionate person with a big heart. You are one of the most loyal people I know please don't lose that quality even though people sometimes let you down.
I love your sense of humour and quick wit you have a real knack of making people laugh.
I could list lots of wonderful things about you but I know how difficult that would be for you to read and more importantly to believe, you know what they are and one day you will realise that you have so much going for you.
In closing I want to let you know how proud of you I am you have overcome some tough times and managed to come out the other side in one piece.
Appreciate and love yourself, you are so worth it.
Asia x
To someone that means alot to me in my rl heart and my sl one. Keep up your awesome blogs sis as they too help me to forget hard times. I enjoy so much that you express yourself here as it can sometimes be hard to do in SL as we know. Always your friend from your loyal SL sis muah! xx