Sunday, 12 December 2010

30Days of Truth-Day 21

I am slipping behind again on this challenge.
(scenario) Your best friend is in a car accident and you two got into a fight an hour before. What do you do?

This is quite a poignant subject for me today as I have recently had a fight with a very good friend. 

I am a stubborn person by nature and as I wrote early on in this challenge I can be very single minded and strong willed.

Firstly how bad was the fight? a little tiff or a knock down, drag out, shake the plaster off the walls argument. That would have some bearing (possibly maybe) on the situation. I know it shouldn't make a difference but it sometimes does..

I would hope I could forget the fight and rush straight to my injured friend and there is a 95% chance I would do that, but some fights are just so awful and they cut you so deeply that it's difficult to let them go. 5% of me thinks I would not go, this is the 5% I really hate about myself.

The other thing to bear in mind is if the fight was really bad would the injured friend want you there. Imagine if I rushed right over and then my friend didn't want me there or I made things worse by upsetting them.

If this was the case and they didn't want me there I would check they were OK and leave.

My first reaction to this question was of course I would go to see them, but after some honest thought I don't know if it's as simple to answer as that.

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