I am going to be moving from my little beach front haven, to share with my Sis, so far, we have a beach ball and our dogs rezzed, stylish I hear you say, uh huh!
They say that moving home can be one of the most stressful life events, I know that is in real life, but boy oh boy it turned out to be as stressful in SL too.
All the houses in my inventory were too big, sis had a teacup house (don't ask) you would think that between the two of us and with a combined SL age of 5 years we would be able to find a nice beach house in our over flowing inventories, well surprise, we couldn't.
I went to a sandbox to have a nervous breakdown and try to mod a house to fit, sis went shopping for a floaty white dress, as you can see we are both already pulling in the same direction.
I am logging off to dream about large houses and small land, something Freudian in there maybe.
They say that moving home can be one of the most stressful life events, I know that is in real life, but boy oh boy it turned out to be as stressful in SL too.
All the houses in my inventory were too big, sis had a teacup house (don't ask) you would think that between the two of us and with a combined SL age of 5 years we would be able to find a nice beach house in our over flowing inventories, well surprise, we couldn't.
I went to a sandbox to have a nervous breakdown and try to mod a house to fit, sis went shopping for a floaty white dress, as you can see we are both already pulling in the same direction.
I am logging off to dream about large houses and small land, something Freudian in there maybe.
Having read my sister's version of last nights events she forgets to tell you the inbetweenies hence I will explain.....what did spirit do most of yesterday this is I should now mention was flying through the air taking on all different kinds of weather, snow, rain, wind, autumn leaves almost making me choke...oh and all in search for some land for my sis and I. My feet were sore my knees where weak but no I had to plod on I wanted to please...you know how middle siblings do. Having had some business background in SL and knowing many a business man/woman myself I found (stumbledcoughs)upon land where I had rented before. You know checking out covenants, land size, scenery, can I dance naked on our beach etc..you know those important things. With my hair straddled over my dripping forehead full of sweat..yes sweat..my sis did not appear to notice this. My sis spoke a few times as I was organising the business deal with the sales agent..quote..."I will take you to court for half the one linden the land costs". I mean damn girl your mean! ^-^ Anyway with regards to my sis trying to squidge a monster truck into the size of a mini I swear she was off shopping for her ever so fashionable shoes uhu got your number...oh and as for my white dress? Your cool awesome fashion blog is to blame for that yup all your fault. So you see bottom line is middle sissies really are the best ..grins widely xx